
Research study related to anxiety and muscle tension

We are looking for individuals who experience anxiety along with muscle tension or tightness that is distressing and/or may interfere to some extent with your daily life. If you think this may apply to you, this study may be beneficial. This study provides individualized muscle relaxation therapy that you may find helpful:

·         First, you will complete an online screening questionnaire (3 minutes; see below for link).

·         If you meet certain criteria, you will then be asked to come to the Psychology Building to complete several questionnaires related to muscle discomfort and anxiety symptoms and experiences (30-45 minutes).

·         Next, you will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. Group 1 will begin treatment immediately and Group 2 will be asked to wait three weeks before beginning treatment. Both groups will receive the same benefits in terms of muscle relaxation therapy.

·         Treatment sessions consist of one group session and two individual sessions, each separated by about 1 week. During the group session you will learn how to monitor you muscle tension and how to use Progressive Muscle Relaxation, a helpful technique in reducing muscle tension. In the individual sessions we will get into greater detail about your specific muscle tension and anxiety and applying the techniques learned to specific anxiety or tension provoking situations in your life.

·         After attending the group session, you will be asked to complete an individualized questionnaire and send it through email once a day for 21 days.

·         Approximately three weeks after completing the initial questionnaires, you will be asked to complete another set of questionnaires. Group 2 will then begin treatment.

·         Finally, you will be asked to complete a final set of questionnaires approximately six weeks after the initial questionnaires.


By clicking the link below, I am acknowledging that I am 18 years or older and am consenting to participate in this brief screening questionnaire for this study:

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.


Andrew Marshall


