
"Through the Lens of Bill Weaks" exhibit ending March 31

Bill Weaks bought his first camera as a senior at Plainview High School. After selling a few photographs he realized the potential of turning his hobby into a profitable business. Photography quickly became his life’s work and he opened Bill Weaks Photography on Sept. 4, 1955.  

Though based in Plainview, he also worked in Amarillo, Lubbock, Dallas and El Paso photographing weddings and community events.  He produced portraits of many brides who purchased their gowns at Margaret’s specialty shop or Hemphill-Wells department store in Lubbock.

Weaks taught numerous seminars around the country and personally trained several young photographers who later pursued their own successful careers. For 30 years, he taught courses for the Professional Photographers of America, and received awards and recognition on a national level. The Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library is pleased to present this collection for the use of scholars and researchers.

On display are Weaks' photos of brides from 1949-1982 along with photos of the community during that time period.

The exhibit will be open to the public at the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library through March 31, 2015.


Julie Barnett


