TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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College Students Needed for Online Survey

Participants needed for a short survey on attitudes of pornography. There will be no visuals representations and participation in the study will be confidential.

This survey will:

  • Take approximately 15 minutes of your time.
  • Ask about demographic information, such as: age, relationship status, and experience with pornography.
  • Help to enhance understanding of participants’ perceptions of pornography.


You must be 18 years or older to participate.

Your participation is voluntary. This means you may discontinue or withdraw at any time.

The study results are anonymous (your name is not included) and confidential (your responses are not revealed to anyone outside of the investigators of this study). All information gathered will be used as grouped data; no one person’s responses to the survey will be singled out.

To participate in this study, please click on the following link:

In order to provide statistically significant results representative of the general population we ask that upon completion of the survey that you repost this using whichever medium of social media you prefer.

Thank you for your participation.

If you have questions please contact researchers, Dr. Sterling Shumway and Heather Austin, M.S. at and heather.austin@ttuedu

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.


Heather Austin


Comm Family Addict Services CFAS

Event Information
Time: 8:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Event Date: 3/24/2015

