
2015 Distinguished Staff Awards nominations

The Distinguished Staff Awards is a broad-based staff recognition program rewarding staff for their excellence, leadership, and exemplary service to Texas Tech. This award program is designed to be highly competitive and serves to promote greater individual staff recognition. Human Resources Talent Development, with the support of the Office of the Chancellor, the Office of the President, and Human Resources, invites you to recognize an outstanding staff member by nominating them for one of the following awards:

Matador Award
For significant contributions and shared innovative ideas ($250)

Masked Rider
For contributions to the success of Texas Tech through his or her accomplishments at work ($500)

Guns Up
For fostering cooperation with employees internal and/or external to increase productivity and efficiency in the organization
($2,500 per team)

President’s Award
For demonstrating strong leadership skills throughout the year ($1,000)

Chancellor’s Award
For demonstrating commitment to Texas Tech and significantly increasing productivity and efficiency ($1,500)

To learn more about the Distinguished Staff Awards, to review eligibility criteria, or to nominate an employee or team, visit  and click on the 2015 Distinguished Staff Awards icon.

Click  to access the new online nomination system. The deadline for nominations is Monday, June 15, 2015 at 5:00PM.

Please contact Talent Development (806-742-0530) or e-mail with any questions.


Hanna-Kaye Barnes


Human Resources
