TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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GRADUATE STUDENTS: Want to learn about grant writing??

Hello all,


During the second summer session, a grant writing course will be offered titled  MFT 6342: Advanced Family Therapy Topics: Grant Writing. It'll be held MTWR 12-2:50. This course can be taken by any graduate students, you don't have to be in the MFT program, or even behavioral health specifically. We'll be talking about grants broadly. This is great experience for anyone who may end up working in a community agency where grants are used to provide client services, for anyone looking to go into a Doc program in the future, or for anyone wanting to be in a faculty position when all is said and done! We will learn about finding grants, the parts required in a grant, and begin drafting a proposal. Registration is open now! Sign up to ensure your seat in the class. I hope you'll join me!  :)

Kristy L. Soloski, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Marriage and Family Therapy Program

Community, Family, and Addiction Sciences

Texas Tech University


Kristy Soloski


Comm Family Addict Services CFAS
