
AT&T Signal Tests on Texas Tech University Campus This Week

During the week of July 26, 2015 through August 1, 2015, AT&T contracted representatives, from a company called DASpoint, will be on campus to evaluate and test the AT&T cellular network. These representatives will carry backpacks (with antenna) containing testing equipment and are authorized to enter campus grounds and buildings, including basements, and will be accompanied by a TTU employee (either from TTU Operations Division or from TTU IT Division). 6-7 vehicles (including some golf carts) will provide transportation. Each individual will clearly be identified with a company ID badge and shirt. TTU personnel will also have a TTU department shirt and an ID.

After the testing, AT&T will adjust their DAS equipment for better signal coverage and strength. Enhanced signal strength will help with the growing number of mobile devices used by students, faculty and staff. Additionally, it will also increase our ability for communication during emergencies and large events at the Jones-AT&T stadium.

These tests have been coordinated with the TTU IT Division, Operations Division, Athletics, Transportation & Parking Services, Housing, and Texas Tech Police. If you have any questions, please contact IT Help Central at or 806.742.4357 (HELP).


IT Help Central


