
Steps to Online Accessibility

Bring your laptop and learn a new skill. Choose one specific workshop, or sign up for them all.

Accessibility in a Nutshell

February 22, 3-4pm

Part of the TTU Worldwide eLearning "Steps to Online Accessibility" Series. This lecture will go over the federal guidelines instructors need to know to keep their courses accessible. Instructors will leave with a check list of items to implement into their courses and learn about the resources at Worldwide eLearning.

Making your Word Documents Accessible

February 23, 2015, 1:30-2:30pm

Part of the TTU Worldwide eLearning "Steps to Online Accessibility" Series. This workshop teaches you simple steps to make word documents accessible to students who utilize screen readers. Learners will receive instruction and guided time to practice their new skills.

Accessible Power Points

February 23, 2015, 3-4pm

Part of the TTU Worldwide eLearning "Steps to Online Accessibility" Series. This workshop teaches you simple steps to make your PowerPoints accessible. Learners will receive instruction and guided time to practice their new skills. Please bring a PowerPoint to work on.

Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to make accessible PDFs

February 25, 2015 1:30-2:30pm

Part of the TTU Worldwide eLearning "Steps to Online Accessibility" Series. Learners will receive instruction and guided time using Adobe Acrobat Pro to create accessible PDFs. The training includes time to practice new skills.

Little Things Make all the Difference

February 25, 2015 3-4pm

Part of the TTU Worldwide eLearning "Steps to Online Accessibility" Series. Learners will receive instruction and guided time to incorporate the following to make their online courses/website accessible: fonts, navigation, color contrast, hyperlink titles, text emphasis, flashing/blinking content and exit disclaimer. The training includes time to practice new skills.

Register online at


Candess Keane


Provost and SVP Academic Affairs
