
How to Make the Most of Your Circle of 6
What's the best way to support a friend who may have experience gender based violence? What are the right words to interrupt a situation when someone looks uncomfortable?

In 2011 Vice President Joe Biden and Chief Technology Officer, Aneesh Chopra created the “Apps Against Abuse” challenge to inspire citizens to build a mobile tool to prevent sexual violence on campus. Taking a public health approach, Circle of 6 was tested with students, and learned from the experience of survivors, experts and LGBTQ users, to design a tool that meets young people where they are. 

After winning the White House challenge, Circle of 6 was inspired to get this app into as many hands as possible, and are thrilled to see it spread into 36 countries around the world, and on college campuses of all sizes across America. 

Circle of 6 is a community and a state of mind. It fosters the formation of groups based on trust and accountability and promotes a culture of care, where friends look out for each other and work together to eliminate violence in their communities. Ideally, all of your friends will be part of the solution, whether or not they’re in your circle. In this forum we will discuss how to get started and how to talk with your circle so that they understand why you are asking them to be a part of your six.

Date: April 29
Time: noon-1pm
Location: TTU Library TLPDC 153
FREE and open to the public!

For more details on other events hosted during April (#TTUSAAM) visit;

CONTACT:  Tricia Earl, Unit Coordinator, Women's Studies Program, T (806) 742.4335,

Patricia Earl


Women's Studies Program

Event Information
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Event Date: 4/29/2016

TLPDC room 153
