TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Volunteer with the Wreck Hunger Food Pantry on TTU Campus
Applications are now open for leadership and volunteer positions in the Food Pantry for the Fall 2016 semester!

If you are looking for a volunteer experience to develop skills that can help you now and in the future while at the same time helping your TTU Community, then this is a position for you! It only requires a minimum commitment of 1 hour per week for the Fall 2016 semester (leadership positions require 2 hours per week). We are also conveniently located on campus across from the SUB. If you are interested please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form:

For more information you may email, contacting us on Facebook , or if you are off campus you can read more at this link.

Hurry though, because there are a limited number of positions available!

The Wreck Hunger Food Pantry will also work with faculty members and students for class projects/partnerships, you can let us know of your interest here. We also allow people to join our mailing list to help during special events where more volunteers are needed. Join as an individual or sign your organization or group up!

Ashlee Taylor


Nutritional Sciences
