TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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TTU/TTUS Annual Property Inventory Certifications due June 30th

Texas Tech University Policy OP 63.08 Property Management requires that a complete physical inventory be conducted and certified annually.  The certifications for departmental inventories processed through the Property Inventory System are due by June 30, 2024.

Email notices will begin April 1st and will be sent to all department Property Custodians and Delegates. Notices will be sent until the departments’ inventory certifications are complete. Please make sure any custodian updates needed are sent to Property Management and that any delegate updates are processed in the Property Inventory System before April 1.

Do not wait until June 30 to begin certifying departmental inventory.  Sufficient time is needed to thoroughly complete the certification process that includes the following:

·         Physically verify inventory tags are attached and visible. Scanning is available in the PIS.

·         Verify asset serial number, location, and condition are correct and listed in the PIS

·         Complete all pending inventory transfers in the PIS

·         Report items missing to Property Management through the PIS

·         Report items found previously reported missing through the PIS

·         Off-campus equipment with location of “Remote inventory” or equipment in restricted areas may be verified by photo if they cannot be physically verified

·         Offsite Property forms (formerly Temporary Use of Property Authorization form) should be completed by equipment users and approved by the custodian or delegate for any mobile asset that moves on and off campus or between campus locations frequently. The form is now in the PIS.

·         Assets should be transferred in the PIS to Surplus and email Surplus to pick up. Property inventory transfers in the PIS must be completed before certifying. 

The above steps must be completed before submitting the certification. Certifications submitted with missing serial numbers or locations will be returned to the department for completion.  To help expedite this process utilize the Missing Information Report in the Property Inventory System. Instructions for running the report and how to make changes may be found in the Property Inventory System Guide linked below.



Property Inventory Resources:

Property Inventory System Guide

Property Inventory System

Property Forms




For questions, please contact


Jennifer Branch


Accounting Services
